zemas nursery

Perennial Favorites
Easy Choices ~ Sun or Shade

Perennials planted in beautiful sequences can provide you with a succession of flowers all season long. While one perennial is a knock out in early Spring, another kind can be the sensation of the Summer a few weeks later. So come browse and celebrate your interest in these special, sturdy, beautiful plants. We’ll help you find just the right choices for your shade or sun gardens like Hostas and Astilbes, to reliable sun-lovers including Echiniceas and Daylilies, and everything in between. We have a tremendous selection. Let us help you with choices as well as services to plant English and other kinds of perennial gardens – and much more!

Russian Forget-me-nots

Quality Plants
Provide Stunning Effects

From grasses for an airy contemporary look, to flowers with old-fashioned charms, you’ll find many choices sure to please.

Hostas and other shade-loving perennials
Every plant has its own innate beauty.
Black and White Clipart of Moon over a Farm